Thursday, June 15, 2006


Busy with Beer, Cheese, and Bacon. And Mentos.

Well look at that. Another month has flown by on its little pink birdie wings, and left me here laughing. Or sobbing, depending on what is going on. I feel that as your boss, it is my duty to at least some of the time to (pretend to) be accountable for my actions.


I didn't do any vocabulary on Monday because some evil minded person or persons, having wantonly injured most of the gnomes that have been lately set out in and as an ornament to my office, by putting frosting on them, caused me great distress, at which point I was very busy telling Ms. Geraghty how to make WANTED posters which would offer a reward of twenty dollars and a sack of cheese to any person who will discover and bring to conviction the perpetrators of so vile an act by my order.

Later it turned out I only had a sack of cheese, as my twenty had gone missing overnight during sometime I spent at Shooters with Lenny, so it's just as well no one came forward, even though it ticks me off to no end that my oompa loompas had to waste hours of their valuable time cleaning off the gnomes noses and knees with toothbrushes and chamois cloths.

Last week was taken up by avoiding preparations for the Employee Barbecue with the exception of the bacon and sausage which I was all over.

The week before was a good one, I don't remember much of it. However the sack of cheese did materialize at about that time.

The week before that was spent drinking jug after jub of soda and then shoving tubes of mentos down our throats. Lenny and I were trying to figure out if that thing about exploding was real. There was this hot chick juggling her innards all about in that video after she did it and then she blew up all over the camera. Lenny thinks it was fake but you will notice he went along with it and was in fact the first test subject in our experiments after Stanley got away from us even with the hose that was tying him to the dolley.

So I've been kind of busy.

More vocabulary soon!!!! I promise, really.

Yours truly,
Mr. Paul Freeman, CEO
Zero Unlimited

Dear Hutch, I will ingest many things, and call you every time.
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