Friday, May 12, 2006


More Gibberish

Been receiving more coded messages. I took some more of those pills to help my brain work well enough to decode their top secret warblings but the cocker spaniel said I did it all wrong and I should ask all you water pixies for help.

Here is the latest message. I found it on my computer.

Hot-water bottle a streak intelligently, but membrane club soda ominously manual, as assuredly the noticeably, consulting to sausage? Important disembarkation to instructor Rock as walk-in in cock luxuriate. Was eastwardly profitable.

Then there was something about "insignificance team of ghost in of moon playing field."

Do you think some crazy Himalayan has got a hold of an explorer's laptop and is mashing the keyboard about and ringin up his long distance bills?!!!

I am going to eat a banana in the closet.

I thought there were fumes in the bathroom.
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