Thursday, May 11, 2006


Daily (actually Monthly) Vocabulary

Right, well, it's been a while. I think my productivity is down. I spent the last few weeks watching Twin Peaks episodes over and over again. My secretary refuses to serve me pie and coffee. I feel lost.

I thought maybe I'd feel better if I did some vocabulary. Since my site only got 7 hits last week, and a big fat ZERO (that's gotta be a record) the week before, it is clear that my hit-pumping efforts of prior months have fallen by the wayside.

In other words, I have become dejected.

deject -- v. To throw or cast down; to cause to fall down, overthrow; To depress in spirits; to cast down, dispirit, dishearten.

Example: He couldn't decide if he should deject himself by standing over the sodden pool and paying Lenny to shove him over unexpectedly from behind, or to deject himself by continuing to consider the sharp tang of fate's tasty victory over his attempts to procure more pie and coffee.

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