Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Some Exciting Ideas

Since things are sooooo boring here at Zero Unlimited, I thought I could help out by coming up with some ideas to make the workplace more exciting.

1. A costume chest. My day would be better if Ralph in Finance showed up with invoices for my approval wearing a clown suit.

2. Funny Hat Day. My whole week would be better if Tiffany tried to get a hat on over that crazy hair of hers. Watch out, she'll take your eye out! Funniest hat each week wins a foot-long hotdog at Hal's Weiner Stand with all the fixins.

3. Pie Day. Hopefully this will result in at least one person getting a pie to the face. Preferably Kevin.

4. Strange Fruit Contest. Everyone bring in that freaky fruit they've started selling at the grocery store. My favorite is the kumquat. Weirdest fruit wins free beer at Shooters for the night. Calzone might even be able to drag his ass in for this one. "Would you like a kumquat with that?" I would ask.

5. Eat Your Hat Day. A popular item some years at the Christmas party. It would be nice to revive the tradition on a regular basis throughout the year. Then maybe some of us would have an incentive to stick to our training regimens.

6. Banana In Ear Day. What? I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.

7. Chop Your Own Head Off Contest. We all feel like chopping our heads off, admit it. Contestants carve one of those giant Pink Pearl erasers into an effigy of themselves and we see who can chop their head off the cleanest. I think I've got a guillotine around here somewhere.

8. Best Ways to Get to Go Home Display. An attractively arranged display of various documentation and evidence of some of the more interesting ways folks at ZU have managed to get sent home from work. My favorite is the "copier toner in the coffee" gag.

Further suggestions welcome.

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